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About Us

Published by Evan Wagner
Sep 28, 2018
About Chico Senior Softball:
Many people in our community have no idea that there is a Senior Softball League here in Chico, age 47 or older to play. If you've already played in the Chico Senior Softball league then, tell your family & friends how enjoyable it is.

If you've never played in our league, we are a recreational softball league serving Chico & the entire surrounding area. If you're willing to come to Chico to play we're happy to have you.

Team rosters are restricted to a maximum roster size of 13. This means the number of teams are determined each year at our March draft based on the number of registered and paid players we have. Best efforts will be made to place late registers on a team, but there is no guarantee that players registering & paying after the draft can/will be placed on a team.

We are not affiliated with the Chico Area Recreational District (CARD), but we do partner with CARD by using CARD fields for our games. Our season games are played at Sycamore Field, near Sycamore Pool/1 Mile in Bidwell Park. Year-end playoffs may be played on other CARD fields as needed and available.